Working with AWS partner Clevvi and supported by NEXTGEN, Sugar Research Australia transformed its harvest decision support tool into a groundbreaking web and mobile app, empowering growers to optimise processes and maximise output.
“SRA estimates that optimised harvesting could add $44 million to Australian sugarcane growers’
revenue,” says Clevvi’s Daniel Keller. The initial version of the application includes various hints and tips for growers and contractors to optimise their revenue.
The application includes both historical data and customisable settings to create an optimal contract between the harvester and the grower. With an AWS-managed, serverless architecture, SRA can automatically scale down its services during the months before harvest begins when HPT usage is low. This optimizes the cost and reduces maintenance activities for SRA staff. “From a technical value-add perspective,” says Clevvi’s James Deck, “SRA can use the well- architected landing zone as a basis for future workloads as part of their cloud journey.”